Computer Cats Finally Get Theirs

Computer Cats Finally Get Theirs

Introducing True Cat Eye Glasses: Blue Light Filtering Eyewear for Cats from Tifosi

It’s 2022, none of us thought we’d still be here – 8 hour days of work from home – battling the perils of the mute button on Zoom and mastering the “ssssh-ing” of pets that meow or bark loudly during important calls. But – here we are. And if you’re a cat owner, you know better than anyone that your furry friend now considers itself a vital member of your work-from-home team.

In meetings your cat silently judges Bill as he carries on about his weekend in the Monday briefing and on Wednesdays – when the hump day blues kick in, your furry coworker can’t be bothered to be supportive and can be found sleeping on your keyboard.

Tifosi Optics knows how hard these work from home days have been on humans after two years – so we got to thinking, could it be possible your four-legged friend is experiencing a bit of virtual fatigue as well?

Using the best research we had at our disposal (meaning our employees’ cats) we decided to test this theory, and turns out – your kitty could be experiencing the same eye strain from over-exposure to a screen’s blue light. Symptoms include blurred vision, headaches, and diminished ability to follow a laser pointer. It’s a cat-astrophe!

cat wearing Tifosi
Whiskers seen trolling Tifosi on Twitter.

We started our research by paying close attention to how the mood of the feline subjects would shift during the day. In early mornings, the cats would be wide-eyed and excited to be at the computer desk, often watching as the employee would work and also staring at the screen or chasing the cursor. But by afternoon, the test subjects could be found distracted – yawning, blinking more, and seemingly more apathetic.

That’s why we created The True Cat Eye Glasses! Tifosi’s blue light filtering eyewear for cats can help properly reduce eye strain and make sure your best friend is as comfortable as you are behind the screen.

Tifosi’s True Cat Eye Glasses are purr-fectly made for your feline friend. The integrated hinges will never pull fur and its Fur-Fit Technology helps ensure that the glasses stay in place, whether your kitty is dropping in on the background of a Zoom call or walking across your keyboard and inventing a new language. And just like Tifosi’s “human” blue light glasses, it offers the best blue light filtering protection to prevent eyestrain and reduce eye fatigue.

After testing our True Cat Eye Glasses on our test subjects, 4 out 10 kitties sat still longer with the glasses on and there was also an improvement in the cats’ moods – which hey – when it comes to cats, we think are great results.

Disclaimer, no cats were harmed in the study and we realize that the study’s findings are very similar to how a house cat already normally acts. Also, Happy April Fool’s Day.